How To Do a Keyword Research to Write an Article?

Do you want to rank higher on Google and drive more traffic to your site?If so, then this is a tutorial for you! In this article, I'll teach you how to do keyword research and write a well-optimized article.
keyword research, how to do a keyword research, write an article

To be successful at writing, it is important to know what you want to write about. This will make it easier for you to come up with an outline and decide on the best way to present your information.

In order to find keywords related to your topic, you can use Keyword Planner from Google Ads Tool. This tool will help you find the most popular keywords related to your topic.

You can also research popular content on the internet and see what people are talking about in online forums. This will help you find what people are interested in and how they talk about it.

It is important that your article is high quality and unique so that it gets organic traffic from search engines. You should not copy content from other sources because this can be penalized by Google’s algorithm, which ranks websites lower if there is a lot of duplicate content on them.

So, before started, let’s talk about some meanings.

What is keyword research?

Keyword research is the process of finding out which keywords are most relevant to a given topic.

It is the process of finding out which search terms people are using to find a product or service. It is important for any company that has products or services to be found by potential customers when they search for it online. This article will introduce you to keyword research and how it can help you improve your SEO strategy.

But, what is a keyword?

Keywords are words or phrases that represent the topic of a document. They are used by search engines to help users find relevant information on the web.

The keyword research process starts with choosing a niche and then figuring out what people are searching for in relation to that niche. This step can be done by either looking at the search queries or using tools that crawl the internet and extract data from the webpages they find.

The next step includes analyzing which keywords have the highest volume of searches and which ones have low competition, meaning there are not many other websites targeting those keywords.

Why is keyword research important?

In today’s online world, it’s necessary to have a strong understanding of keywords and what they mean. Keyword research helps you figure out what words people are typing into Google when they’re looking for your product or service. Doing keyword research will also help you find new topics to write about.

Keyword research is an important part of any SEO campaign. It is a process in which one researches and finds the most appropriate keywords for their content or website. You can do keyword research manually, but it is much more efficient to use keyword tools that can help generate a list of relevant keywords for your content or website.

The importance of keyword research cannot be overstated; it’s the foundation on which every SEO campaign should be built.

Important Elements of Keyword Research

Relevance of a Keyword

Google ranks content for relevance. This is where the concept of search intent comes in. Your content will only rank for a keyword if it meets the searcher’s intent.

The idea behind search intent is that there are different reasons people might be searching for a given keyword, and when they are searching, they have a different goal in mind. For example, people may be looking to buy something or to find out more information about something – so Google ranks content based on what type of search intent it meets.

Competition of a Keyword

The competition of a keyword is an important factor to consider when deciding on a keyword to target. This is because the competition of a keyword will determine how many other websites are targeting the same keywords as you. It will also determine how high your website ranks in search engine results pages (SERPs).

If you want to rank highly in SERPs, then it is important that you choose keywords with low competition so that there are fewer websites competing for the same keywords as you.

Authority of a Keyword

Google will provide more weight to sources it deems authoritative. That means you must do all you can to become an authoritative source by enriching your site with helpful, information content and promoting that content to earn social signals and backlinks.

The days of keyword stuffing are over. Google is now giving more weight to sources it deems authoritative. That means you must do all you can to become an authority.

What does it take to be an authority? It’s not just about having a lot of followers on social media or being well-known in your industry. You need to be authoritative in your field, and that means having the right skills, knowledge, experience and credentials.

Google changes its search engine algorithm every year or so, but one thing has remained constant: what matters most is the quality of your content.

Search Volume of a Keyword

Search volume is the number of times a keyword has been searched for on Google in a given period.

The search volume of a keyword is important because it tells you how often people are likely to search for that word. If you know the words that are most commonly searched for, then you can optimize your content to rank better on the first page of Google’s search results.

Now, that we understand some of the most important factor of a keyword research, let’s get started!

How to do a keyword research to write an article

The most important thing is that the topic must be something that interests you and that you are knowledgeable about. This can make a big difference in the quality of your content, so it’s worth taking time to find something that really speaks to your interests.

Create a document in Google Docs or even a personal notebook to note the principal keyword, subtopics and any other keyword relevant to the article you want to write about.

So, without anymore to say, let’s choose a keyword research tool!

1. Choose a keyword research tool

A good keyword research tool will help you find the right keywords for your content. The tool can also show you how competitive a keyword is, the search volume and what the cost per click (CPC) is.

Google Ads Keyword Tool:

The Google Ads Keyword Tool helps you find keywords by looking at your competitors’ PPC campaigns. It then shows you how many clicks they got for that keyword and what the cost per click was for them. It will also show you if there are any other similar keywords that might work better for your campaign.


Ahrefs is one of the most popular and powerful tools for keyword research. It provides a huge database of keywords, search volume and backlinks for each keyword. Ahrefs compiles their data using many sources like Google, Moz, etc.

They have some of the most comprehensive keyword databases that you can find in the market. It is one of the best for competitive research and finding untapped opportunities with high buyer potential.


SEMrush is a powerful and comprehensive suite of marketing tools that provides everything you need to grow your business. It offers various services from keyword research, site audits, backlink analysis, competitor analysis, to PPC management.


It is a keyword research tool that helps you find long-tail keywords for your niche.

The user can type in any word or phrase into the search bar, and Ubersuggest will provide a list of related words or phrases that are similar to what was typed in. The user can also click on the ‘Generate Keyword Ideas’ button to get a list of related words or phrases that they can use as inspiration for their content.

This tool is a little different because it doesn’t just give you a list of keywords like some other tools do, it actually ranks those keywords in order of relevance to your topic and gives them to you in an easy-to-read table format.

2. Choose low competition and high search volume keyword

It is important to find a low competition and high search volume keyword because if it has a high competition and not many people are searching for it, it won’t be worth your time to target that keyword.

The keyword should have a low competition rate and high search volume. This will ensure that the keyword has a good amount of traffic to it, but not too many people are completing the search.

A low competition rate is important because if there are too many people completing the search, you will be competing with other websites for traffic. A high search volume ensures that there is enough traffic to make it worth your time.

3. Find a principal keyword for the H1

A principal keyword is one that is most relevant and important to the content. It informs the reader of what they are about to read and gives them an idea of what they will get out of it.

In the article, this principal keyword will be an HTML H1 tag.

The H1 is the most important heading in an article. It is the first thing that a reader sees, and it should be written carefully to catch the reader’s attention and to provide them with enough information about what they are about to read.

The first step in finding a principal keyword is brainstorming, which can be done by writing down all the words that come to mind when you think about your topic.

After brainstorming, you should take some time to go through your list and pick out the ones that are most relevant or important in some way. You may also need to do some research on these keywords, looking up their definitions or synonyms on dictionaries or online databases such as Google’s Ngram Viewer or WordNet.

When you find the correct main keyword, write it down on the top of your document as your H1. Also add the search volume and keyword difficulty next to it.

4. Find subtopics of the keyword to add in the article

The principal keyword is the main topic of the article. The subtopics are secondary topics that are related to the principal keyword. The subtopics can be used in the introduction, body and conclusion of the article.

You can also use them in your article’s title if you want to catch their attention more easily.

Add these subtopics as a list with the search volume and keyword difficulty next to them.

5. Use different types of keywords

There are three main types of keywords: long-tail keywords, short-tail keywords and head-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords are more specific and have a higher volume of searches than short-tail keywords because they are more specific.

Short tail keywords have less volume than long-tail ones, but they are easier to rank for because there is less competition.

Head tail keywords are phrases that contain two or more words, and they have even less volume than short tail ones because they are even more specific.

6. Organizing the Keywords found in the keyword reasearch

After do the keyword research, we have to organize the keywords to create an article with meaning and understanding.

Organizing keywords is an important step in content creation. It is a good idea to organize them by topics so that you can easily find the ones that you need.

You can also organize keywords by their difficulty level, by how frequently they are used, or by how often they are searched for.

Now Let’s write an article that generate traffic

Now that you have your list of keywords, it’s time to write an article that generate traffic direct to your website.

Related Content: Learn How to Write n Article that Generate Traffic.

Joel Tavarez
Joel Tavarez

Joel Tavarez is the founder of JoelTavarez.NET project to help people with all the tools and resources they need to make a website and start an online business.

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