How to Monetize Your Website with Google AdSense?

How To Monetize Your Website With Google AdSense

If you can’t wait to start generating revenue from your hits, whether on your website or YouTube channel, Google AdSense can help. In this post, we’re going to explain what AdSense is, how much it pays, how it works, and much more. Do not go!

What is Google AdSense?

AdSense is a Google advertising tool that allows you to display other companies’ ads on your page, for free, and earn money for each click.

Surely you have already entered a website, and you have found ads at the top or side of the page, right? Well, if you use Google AdSense, that’s what those who visit yours will see.

What is the difference between Google AdSense and Google Ads?

Despite having similar names, these two Google tools perform different functions. As we told you, AdSense allows you to post ads on your website and earn money from it.

For its part, Google Ads is designed for people to create their online ads and increase the visibility of their businesses, products and services.

With this solution, the ads are displayed on the Google results page, appearing more easily for those who make searches related to a specific market niche.

How Google AdSense Works?

Google AdSense is Google’s advertisement service. It is used by content creators to earn money from their content. The ads are shown on the creator’s website, and they get paid every time a visitor clicks on an ad.

The ads are created by Google, and the creator of the website has no control over what ads show up on their site. As a result, some people might not like seeing certain ads, while others won’t mind at all. Some people have also complained that they don’t get paid enough for the amount of traffic they receive.

You won’t need to do much, as Google manages the display of your ads and your profit will be based on a few factors, such as the number of visits to your site, the number of clicks, the location of your target audience and others.

The advertiser will pay AdSense a price to display the ads on their website and on various other sites that use the AdSense code. AdSense will take a portion of that money paid by the advertiser and pass the rest to you.

Many publishers believe that the advertiser pays very little, so it is necessary to have millions of users to be able to earn a little money, which makes the work worthwhile. But it is not true, there is much you can do to improve your profitability.

AdSense pays in dollars and your earnings from ad views on your website accumulate in your account, and you can add a bank account for the transfer to take place, from AdSense to your personal account.

Bid Types (PPC, CPM and CPI)

AdSense works like an auction system. Advertisers compete with each other for ad spaces, the more competition there is, the more prices rise for advertisers and more income for content authors. Therefore, the income varies a lot depending on what niche your blog is in.

In this link, you can see more details if you are interested.

Advertisers can pay in 3 different ways:

PPC (Pay Per Click): is the revenue model used by AdSense and where you pay for each click received. This contrasts, for example, with the PPA (Pay per Action) model where the payment is for the user’s actions beyond the click (the purchase of the product, for example, as occurs in affiliate marketing) or the following model of this list (CPM).

CPM (Cost Per Mille): in this model, the ads are paid for impressions. For example: €5 per thousand impressions (views) of the ad. It is the measure commonly used in radio, television, newspapers or magazines, etc. In AdSense, all you have to do is put advertising banners on your blog and, every time a visitor to your site clicks on one of them, Google will pay you a percentage of money (CPC).

CPI (Cost per Interaction): Here the advertiser only pays if you have interacted with their ad, for example if you have viewed a video.

How to create an AdSense account?

These two things are required to allow you to create an account on AdSense:

  • A Google Account: If you’re using Gmail or any other Google service, you already have one. If not, you can create a Google Account when you create your AdSense account.
  • Your own content created from scratch: This can be your site, blog or other original content, as long as you’re the owner, and it complies with the AdSense Program policies.

Create your account

  1. Visit
  2. Click Get started.
  3. Sign in to your Google Account.
  4. Enter the URL of the site that you want to show ads on. Learn more about how to enter your URL. If you want to add your site later, leave this field empty and select I don’t have a site yet.
  5. Choose whether you’d like AdSense to send you customized help and performance suggestions. We recommend that you choose Yes, so we can help you get more out of AdSense. You can change your contact settings later.
  6. Select your payment country or territory.
  7. Review and accept the AdSense Terms and Conditions.
  8. Click Start using AdSense. You’re now signed in to your new AdSense account.

Now explore your new AdSense account. You might notice that some features are unavailable. That’s because there are a few tasks that you need to complete before we can fully activate your account. Learn how to activate your AdSense account.

What are the requirements to be accepted into Google AdSense?

1. You must be over 18 years old

Google AdSense does not accept anyone under the age of 18 on its platform, and you will not deceive them by misrepresenting your age and date of birth.

IMPORTANT: Be careful not to make a mistake when entering your date of birth. You could write it incorrectly and that this was the reason that AdSense rejected you for no other apparent reason. It seems so obvious, but it happens.

2. Write quality content

Google, and AdSense by extension, is interested in websites adding value to users to keep their advertisers happy and encourage clicks on ads, which is also in your interest. If Google wins, so do you.

Focus on writing and publishing quality content that educates, informs, entertains, or inspires. Your users come to your page to get something they need.

3. Have enough content

It is not about having a specific number of articles. You could have 200 completely irrelevant articles published and get rejected by AdSense. The ideal number is between 15 and 20 ORIGINAL and quality articles.

Privacy Policy Page

If you think that a “privacy policy” page is meaningless on a content blog, you are dead wrong.

It’s so important that if you don’t have this page, AdSense won’t even bother to check if you meet the rest of their conditions.

The Privacy Policy page is an essential requirement for Google to accept your AdSense account, and you can start inserting ads on your website.

About Us Page

Google AdSense needs to know that your website is a real site with real people behind it and not a site managed by bots with scraped content and the sole purpose of generating clicks and income.

It is something that your users also need to be able to trust your website.

Be sure to create an “About Me” or “About Us” page where you explain who you are and what your users will be able to find on your website.

Contact page

A “Contact” page allows you to give your users the opportunity to interact with you. In this way, you generate conversations, trust and more loyal users.

Google AdSense will value the fact that you care about your users and take them into consideration beyond the fact that they click on your ads.

5. Take care of the user experience

Basically, you must take care of two usability factors of your website: appearance and loading time.

Bad design or slow load time can cause your users to close the browser window and increase the bounce rate of your web page.

Regarding the appearance, today it is free to create a visually optimal website using a CMS like WordPress and a free template.

Conclusion & Tips On Monetizing Your Blog With AdSense

The conclusion is that monetizing your blog with Google AdSense is a good way to make money. This can be done by signing up for the AdSense program and placing ads on your blog.

Picture of Joel Tavarez
Joel Tavarez

Joel Tavarez is the founder of JoelTavarez.NET project to help people with all the tools and resources they need to make a website and start an online business.

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Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products I’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy.

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